Chestermere Resident Real Estate Agent.
Buyers and Seller’s should have an agent that specializes in the neighbourhood they are buying or selling in. Agents just don’t know what they don’t know about a community if they are not working in it every day.
We do things that other real estate agents will not. We go and look at all the listings in Chestermere, so we personally experience the homes that are on the market. We know why the homes that sold did, why they sold for what they did, or why they did not sell. We know the different areas, and how they compare price wise to others. We know the good deals and cannot wait to tell our clients about them. We know the homes that have been taken off the market for “a rest”, we know many homes that have not hit the market yet. We also know when a seller has an unrealistic expectation. We can help seller’s understand where their home fits in the market, so they can decide if it is the right time for them to sell or not.
here will always be a place for real estate agents that go the extra mile for their clients with passion, and competence, but exclusivity will give them the value that clients need and expect. We are thankful for clients that supports this.
We can help buyers and seller’s in Chestermere determine the value of their home three different ways.
If you just want to know what the homes around you are selling for you might want a market report that shows what the market activity is around your home. It will give you details on the home and photos of the inside and out. It will tell you what the sale price is and the days on market. This will give you a feel for the market.
Doug McKay

We support the Amazing Race

We Sponsor The Annual Chestermere Parade Of Garage Sales