Quick Facts On Chestermere Demographics.

  • Chestermere’s latest census has the population of 24,649 according to the last census.
  • Chestermere has had a population growth since 2011 of 34%.
  • The average household size in Chestermere is 3.2 people.
  • The total number of completed homes in Chestermere was 6552 (census 2017)
  • 42% of Chestermere Residents are over 40
  • 25% of Chestermere Residents are in the 20-40 range and 20% are under 20.
  • The majority of households earn over $150k annually.
Chestermere Family
Dollar signs

Chestermere Household Income.

Chestermere Household Income Chart

Chestermere Household Income.

Visible Minorities in Chestermere.

Chart with visible minorities

Chestermere Visible Minorities

Chart showing education Levels in Chestermere

Education Levels in Chestermere

Most people in Chestermere in Chestermere have completed high school.  23% have a university degree.

82% of university degrees were received from Canada.

Chart showing education Levels in Chestermere

Chestermere Commutes

Most people in Chestermere commute to work.  The average commute is 26 minutes.
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